How To – Living Walls ™ instant hedge planting video.

This how-to video showcases how one landscape company installed Living Walls instant hedges in a day, to the delight of the homeowners.

You can install your Living Walls instant hedge yourself, following our PLANTING YOUR INSTANT HEDGE guides, or employ a local landscape contractor and provide them with our instructions. Twining Valley Nurseries doesn't offer an installation service.

PLEASE NOTE:  This video supports the written planting guide, it doesn't replace it!  The landscaping shown in this video is tailored to the specific site.  So please READ the instructions carefully and follow our recommendations. : )


I see there is a wooden edge to the trench. Do I need that, too?  No. The mowing strip you see was requested by the owner for ease of maintenance. It is not a requirement. It is also not a "container" for the hedge. The hedge roots are free to grow out beneath the shallow mowing strip. If you choose to add a mowing strip, ensure it is no deeper than 10cm.

I see the landscapers added something to the trench. What do I add to the trench?  Nothing. We don't recommend adding soil amendments such as compost or garden mix to the trench. It is neither necessary nor beneficial. Backfill between and around the rootballs with the soil you removed when digging the trench.

I see the landscaper cut the hedge in two. Do I cut each hedge?  No!  Only cut through the rootball if you require a shorter length, say a 1/2 metre.

Remember to READ the instructions carefully and follow our recommendations.  Truly ; )