So there's no misunderstandings between us, please take a moment to check out the fine print :-)
This website, and the information contained in it, is intended for New Zealand based users, although others are welcome to visit. Living Walls™ instant hedges and Pleached Screens are only available in New Zealand. New Zealand law governs this site.
Twining Valley Nurseries is the trading name of Mauku Developments Ltd.
Information contained in our advertisements, catalogues, price lists, availability lists, planting guides, care guides, videos, illustrations, our website, emails, or other similar matter is presented as a general guide only. This includes any information regarding description, weights, measurements, capacities, performance, productiveness, tolerance to any conditions, and/or any other data generally or specifically relating to Living Walls instant hedges or any other products supplied by Twining Valley Nurseries. This information may include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Twining Valley Nurseries will take action to correct any error or inaccuracy that is brought to our attention, within a reasonable time.
You need to rely upon your own judgment as to the nature and quality of the Twining Valley Nurseries’ information and products and their suitability for your purpose and not upon any representation made by the Twining Valley Nurseries, its servants or agents either orally or in writing. Twining Valley Nurseries will not be liable for any damages resulting from the use of this site or any other information provided by us. ⬆︎
Payment in full in cleared funds is required before products leave the nursery unless otherwise arranged. Our preferred payment option is Internet banking. We don't have EFTPOS or credit card facilities. ⬆︎
Twining Valley Nurseries reserves the right to cancel, at any time before delivery and for whatever reason, an order for product that it has previously accepted. Twining Valley Nurseries may do this for example, but without limitation, where:
(a) Twining Valley Nurseries is unable to supply product that they have previously promised to supply;
(b) an event beyond Twining Valley Nurseries' control, such as storm, fire, flood, earthquake, terrorism, power failure, war, strike or failure of computer systems, force majeure, means that Twining Valley Nurseries is unable to supply the product within a reasonable time;
(c) Product or Services ordered were subject to an error, for example in relation to a description, price, or image, which was not discovered prior to the order being accepted.
In any event, Twining Valley Nurseries' liability in respect of the cancellation will be limited to the reimbursement of any monies received by it for the order. ⬆︎
Twining Valley Nurseries are happy to hold product for future delivery, for a reasonable time. A DEPOSIT is required to hold product until the agreed delivery date. A HOLDING FEE may be charged in addition to the product price to reflect the cost of holding the product at the nursery.
A CANCELLATION FEE of 15% of the total purchase price (pro-rata) may be deducted from any refund if the order is changed, or partially or completely cancelled within three months of the invoice date. The TOTAL DEPOSIT (pro-rata) may be FORFEITED if the order is changed, or partially or completely cancelled later than three months from the invoice date.
Twining Valley Nurseries shall not be liable for the delay or failure to perform its obligations if the cause of the delay or failure is beyond its control, such as extremes in weather, storm damage, or disease. ⬆︎
Twining Valley Nurseries takes no responsibility for damage to driveways or footpaths or other property where a vehicle is requested or required to leave the road to facilitate the supply of products. ⬆︎
Please inspect product upon arrival.
Any complaints of damage, short delivery, loss in transit or defect of products must be made initially to the carrier concerned and noted on any goods receipt acknowledgement form and notified to Twining Valley Nurseries immediately. Products delivered and left unattended by arrangement with you will be at your sole risk upon delivery.
Twining Valley Nurseries shall have the right at its discretion to repair or replace the products in respect of which any complaint as aforesaid is made and proven or to refund or credit the portion of the purchase price applicable thereby fully discharging all legal liabilities.
Twining Valley Nurseries does not take responsibility for damage caused by external delivery agents if contracted by you. ⬆︎
All claims regarding products supplied must be made at time of delivery. ⬆︎
Products will be at your sole risk upon your receiving possession of them or upon dispatch to an agent contracted by you or upon being delivered and left unattended by arrangement with you.
Twining Valley Nurseries will be under no obligation to replace plants that do not continue to thrive once risk has passed to you or your agent. ⬆︎
The Living Walls™ instant hedges growing system, nursery equipment and machinery are the Intellectual Property of Twining Valley Nurseries and must not be used or copied for commercial purposes without the written consent of Twining Valley Nurseries. Twining Valley Nurseries will aggressively enforce its intellectual property rights to the fullest extent of the law, including criminal prosecution. ⬆︎
Twining Valley Nurseries owns all copyright and all other intellectual property rights in this website unless specifically attributed to a third party. ⬆︎
In relation to preformed hedges, Living Walls™, Living Edge™, Living Boundary™, Living Screen™ and Hedges in a hurry. logos and trademarks are the property of Twining Valley Nurseries. ⬆︎