Planting your Living Walls™ instant hedge.

How to transform your garden with Living Walls™ Hedges in a hurry.

The must-read guide to successful Living Walls™ instant hedge installation.

Twining Valley Nurseries doesn't provide an installation service. You can either install your new hedge yourself, following our installation guides, or employ a local landscape contractor to install it for you. 

Please read the guide thoroughly and If you are employing a landscape contractor, please forward this guide to them.  For instant hedge planting, either in-ground or into containers or planter boxes, continue reading here then view the specific Living Walls™ instant hedge planting guides below.  The guide to Pleached Screen hedge planting can be viewed here:  Pleached Screen planting and care

The Living Walls™ hedges

Before you begin planting your Living Walls™ instant hedge.

Living Walls instant hedge foliage covers one metre in length per unit.  However, the hedge bags and rootballs are shorter at around 900mm long (give or take). Place the hedge rootballs approx 10cm apart for one unit per metre, so the foliage will be touching but not the rootballs (see diagram below). Please check actual rootball measurements as all quoted measurements are approximate - you may need a bigger (or smaller) gap between rootballs!

The hedge bag measurements can be viewed here: Specifications

Remember - plant one hedge unit per metre!

Instant hedge - rootball spacing diagram

Lift the hedge bags using both handles. Avoid pulling on the handles or dragging the bags sideways as this can cause the bag seams to rip. You may wish to wear gardening gloves when carrying the hedge bags as the rods are made of fibreglass.

Living Walls instant hedge units have grown in the nursery with the Living Walls logo (printed on the bag) facing the same way. For a uniform hedge, place each unit with the logos facing the same direction before removing the bags ready for planting. If we've numbered your hedge bags, place the bags in numerical order left to right. In most instances, this is the order that the units were growing in the nursery so they should slot together nicely.

If required, you can carefully cut the rootball between the plants in the hedge units to create shorter lengths (for instance when a half metre length is needed from a two-plant hedge). You must ensure that each separated plant retains a good part of its root system. Cutting the rootball with an old panel or pruning saw is ideal and minimises root disturbance. Trimming the hedge and watering correctly after planting will also help it cope with any incidental root damage. 

Now follow the hedge planting guide below that is most appropriate for your situation.

Living Walls™ instant hedge planting guides.

Whether you are installing yourself or employing a landscape contractor, you'll want to have a thorough read of our planting guides below, along with our Care guide